5 DIY Treatments for an Instant Glow

Think no more of investing time and money at luxury spa or wellness club. The key to radiant, beautiful, and replenished skin are sitting quiet in your kitchen. Pamper yourself with these easy DIY treatments.

Egg and Almond Mask :

This egg and almond mask is ideal for dry skin-types. To prepare, beat an egg and mix into it ground almonds. Dab the mixture on your face and neck. Let it stay on for 20 minutes. Rinse with water. For best results, apply this mask at bedtime.

Aloe Vera and Glycerin Mask :

Aloe vera – an amazing plant that works great for all skin types, including sensitive skins too. It is packed with abundant vitamins, and also the antioxidants that helps in neutralizing the free radicals and help keep the wrinkles at bay.

For this natural DIY treatment, all you need to do is get some aloe vera gel and combine it with a little of glycerin. Apply the mask on your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Carrot and Honey Mask :

Carrot is packed with vitamins that makes it a key ingredient to almost all night creams, anti-aging creams, and acne gels.

Take 2-3 carrots. Boil and mash. Add 2-3 teaspoons of organic honey. Apply it over your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with water and discover your radiance. This DIY treatment works great for sensitive skin-types.

Peach and Brandy Masks :

This is an easy DIY treatment for luminous skin. Take a peach and mash it. Add to it one teaspoon of brandy. Apply this mixture all over your face and neck. Let it stay on for 20 minutes. Wash it off with water. Voila! There you get that natural glow.

Orange and Yogurt Mask :

Why burn a hole to your pocket when you can get that after-facial glow with natural ingredients at your kitchen counter?

Yogurt is an easily available blessing that does wonder to all skin-types. On the one hand, yogurt helps moisturizing and exfoliating the dry skin for a healthy glow, and on the other hand it unclog and tighten the oily skin pores.

Oranges, the natural skin-lighteners, are packed with vitamins and collagen that helps in improving the skin elasticity.

To prepare this amazing DIY treatment, mix together two teaspoons of yogurt and one teaspoon of orange juice. Massage your face gently in circular motion with the prepared mask. Wash your face off thoroughly with cold water. This natural DIY treatment can be used for a pre-party glow.

For more DIY Treatments, read here.

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