How to Eat According to Your Ayurvedic Dosha

ayurvedic dosha

Our body types are crafted with different energies and a blend of three ayurvedic dosha – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha; suggests the five-millennium old Science of Ayurveda. It is said to have the presence of one dosha dominant than the other two. When these doshas gets to face off an imbalance, they affect the body with diseases and illness.

Even though it is suggested to visit an Ayurvedic practitioner and get yourself diagnosed by him, here goes down the hot leads to help you know which ayurvedic dosha your body is dominantly established upon and the right food that you need to eat for it!

1. Vata (Elements – Air and Space):

The body been structured in a thin frame, the people with Vata as their dominant ayurvedic dosha posses overactive minds with meager energy spurts. They are prone to getting fatigued very quickly, have sensitive digestion, joint pains, anxiety issues and restlessness.

Diet Plan for Vata Dosha:

Vata is a cold and dry kind of dosha. You can suppress it with warm and considerably heavy foods. Here, clarified butter (ghee), warm milk, nuts, soups, and root vegetables like beets, yams, onion, carrots, et cetera are the excellent pick. Well-ripened fruits are healthy and nutritious and so are the oatmeal, seafood, and chickpeas. Raw vegetables and fruits, desserts and cold beverages should be a big NO to the diet. Spicy foods are recommended to be taken in small moderation. Dairy foods are superb for this group of people, and it is suggestible for them to consume tofu and cottage cheese at least thrice a week. Use sesame oil for cooking.

2. Pitta (Elements – Fire and Water):

People with this dosha being dominant have excellent digestion for it is fire-based. Highly immune to survive cold easily, the pitta people are born blessed with an ample of energy and good concentration power. However, they are short-tempered and suffer skin problems when their doshas’ undergo an imbalance.

Diet Plan for Pitta Dosha:

Warm/cool tastes are ideal. They should consume salads, lemon teas, cool milk, grains, and green vegetables such as broccoli, celery, asparagus, sprouts, peas, spinach, and cucumber. Juicy fruits like melons, oranges, plums are ideal for this dosha and so are the cereal grains like rice and barley. It is okay to chow down the egg whites and butter, however, meat should be avoided as they tend to mark up the fire content in the body. Cook in either grape-seed oil or the olive oil.

3. Kapha (Elements – Water and Earth) :

People with the kapha dosha possess the soothing characteristics of the Earth and the Water – Calm and Composed. They are blessed with great stamina, gorgeous skin, good digestion system, and an excellent immunity. They have strong bones and muscles. However, their body tends to retain fluids and are highly susceptible to allergies.

Diet Plan for Kapha Dosha:

All the cooking methods that involve moisture such as steaming, boiling, poaching, and so on should be avoided. Instead, the people with kapha dosha should go for cooking methods like grilling, baking, roasting, or sauteing. It is recommended to inculcate in diet lightly cooked vegetables with moderate spicy foods and spices (ginger, fenugreek, and cumin). Deep-fried foods, dairy products, and foods that are too salty or too sweet should be eliminated. Oats, millets, and rye are recommended grains. Introduce pumpkin seeds and flax seeds to the diet, besides legume. Goat’s milk could be used instead of cow’s milk. Use Almond oil and Sunflower oil for cooking, but in little quantity.

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