Things to Teach Your Child: 10 Essential Life Lessons for Success
An effective communication with children is, undoubtedly, the most vital ingredient that brews stronger, and meaningful relationship and bonding. A research shows its efficacy in raising healthier bonding with our kids too. In fact, a smooth conversation beats all the other favorites like writing, reading, teamwork, logic and reasoning. It indeed blooms your little one into a smarter, confident, and polished individual, thus, helping them to get ahead in the world today. Here are ten things to teach your child to help you get started on a way.
1. “I Like You”:
Peculiar to the three words “I Love You”, “I Like You” spreads out an extra margin of difference that holds the power to touch not just the heart, but also the mind and soul of another individual. It not just conveys the feelings you have got but also a sense of confidence for been liked for howsoever one is as a human. Do speak out both of them casually.
2. “You’re My Little Einstein”:
Learning things is a play to the toddlers. They are smart at it. And, your words of encouragement and motivation lay a great impact to their learning ability down the line. The words that you speak to them, gets tattooed to their mind in the later life. When you tell them they aren’t good enough, they take themselves as a shit that is good for nothing. They tend to call quits soon over learning things in the later life.
3. “Thank You”:
Social skills are key to survive happily and successfully in life. These simple courtesies shows up a sign of respect. These are essential features that, when your tot is trained and cultivated with in their early stage, will help them bloom with a poise, refinement, and grace.
4. “How About This…” :
It is of essence to lay foundation to a set of basic agreements. Understand the needs of your child. Talk to them. Work out life with mutual agreements and consent. It keeps the common issues at bay, thus, mapping out harmony within the family. And in those rare scenarios, even if something does pop out, you will have at least a built-in framework in your hand that shall help you fix a dent to an issue or problem.
5. “Let Me Know…” :
This is an arrestive request to make your kid share their thoughts, ideas, and feelings with you. This aids them grow friendly and frank with their parents, thus, not choking up their emotions within them. Also, it nurtures the listening power which in a way is a demonstration of your concern and care you hold up for your kid.
6.”Hey! Let’s read…” :
Books are the gateways to knowledge, wisdom, thoughtfulness, people, and places. Reading them out to your kid not just cultivates your relationship deep, but also imbrue them in the love for reading and learning. It is a critical skill that shows up as a pillar to success in life.
7. “We Do Fall, and We Stand Again”:
When life gives you moment when you fail, you cannot live up to your standards; take them as an opportunity, and get the knack of your mistake. Learn from them so that you do not lag behind down the line. Troubles do land up. Nobody is perfect. Take the responsibility of your mistakes and make headway. Remember, your kids are watching you. They are learning and grabbing things from you. Do not show them you’re disappointed for they not been able to meet your expectations. Never do that. NEVER. This can break down their morale, deeply. Be generous enough to give a little room to each other.
8. “I am sorry…”:
This is something you must learn to say. However, you also must learn to keep a check on your actions so that there arise no need to call for an apology.
Also Read: Eggshell Parenting: The Silent Emotional Strain on Children
9. “What is your opinion?”
Invite your kids for their feedback and opinion in the family conversations. This will help them exercise their decision-making skill. It is fundamental for your child to know the art to express their thoughts and assert their needs, not just today but throughout their lives. This is where it calls your parenting to pay heed, and sharpen your child’s decision-making skill. And also, make sure that they learn to take responsibilities for the choice they make.
10. “Yes”:
Parents often wait for a “NO” circumstance to occur when they can carve out a “YES” pattern too. Undoubtedly, “No” could be a feasible option at times; however, if you pick on “Yes”, you might not need to utter “no” as often as you probably do.
Instilling the right values and life skills in your child is one of the most meaningful responsibilities of parenting. These things to teach your child—from kindness and resilience to responsibility and self-confidence—will shape their character and prepare them for the future. By nurturing these qualities early on, you equip them with the tools to handle challenges, build strong relationships, and lead a fulfilling life. Every lesson you impart today becomes a stepping stone toward their growth and success.