The Best Facial Treatment for Your Skin Type and the Skin Condition


From that very day your wedding date is finalized, your mind starts churning the ideas to get fit, and to achieve that impeccable gorgeous glow anyhow by the time your ‘Big Day‘ arrives. And for the brides-to-be, to look flawless on that special day, nothing could be more effective than the regular facial treatments per your skin type. So, if you are not sure about which facial treatment would do best to your skin type, here’s the guide for you. No matter what skin type or skin condition you’re dealing with, we’ve here got you listed all of them. The best ones. Just so that you can get your absolutely impeccable and dead drop gorgeous look on your big day!

1. Dry Skin Types – It’s Hydration on all Counts!

If you’re dealing with dry and flaky skin condition, essential oils and cream-based face pack should be your savior. A long session of comforting and invigorating facial massage using all sorts of hydrating products – that’s just what all brides-to-be with the dry skin condition would need. This will not only help regulating blood flow, but also it will lock in the whole slew of moisture in the skin. Begin with a mild exfoliator to get rid of the dry skin cells. Then give your face some TLC with moisturizing essential oils and creams. Take regular facial sittings every 15 days in the months heading to the wedding day.

2. Oily Skin Types – Bring on the Gels!

Gel-based facial works wonder to the oily skin types by keeping a check on excess oil and sebum production. Be it an aloe vera gel with a soothing effect or any other of your choice, make sure you stay away from all oil or cream-based facial products. Also, you must ensure to get yourself a light massage because too much of it will make your oil glands super active, again. While the gel-based soothe your skin with a cooling effect, they hydrate and rejuvenate your skin without leaving it too oily. Get your facial treatment once a month to bring on the bridal glow!


3. Combination Skin Types – Experiment till You Catch on the Right!

Finding the facial product that suits right to your combination skin type could be an onerous task. This highly depends upon how much products you explore, try and experiment. When for some the cream-based product fills the bill with radiant and glowing skin, for others gel-based products works miracle. Try, try, till you succeed is all that we recommend all brides-to-be with the combination skin types. There could also be cases where a mere fresh papaya massage results in radiant skin. All the good wishes, ladies.

4. Sensitive Skin – Fruits are the Win Win!

The skin that are senstive and prone to allergies, itchiness, redness, and inflammation – fresh fruits are the key. Refrigerated banana mash, tomatoes and papaya pulp are your facial products ingredients that we’re talking about here. These fresh fruits’ juices penetrate deep in your skin, hydrate it, and soothe out the irritated and inflammed skin. And the plus point, it would give out the least of side effects to your sensitive skin. Store-bought beauty products embraces some amount of chemicals that your sensitive skin type is surely not prepared to take on. Go au naturale, ladies!

5. For Skin that Tends to Lose the Shine too soon – Heard of Microabrasion?

If you are looking forward to a gorgeous skin with not much of time investment, micro-abrasion treatment is the quick fix. Visit your Dermatologist and get this treatment that uses micronized crystals to doff dead skin cells for a smooth, impeccable, and glowing skin. Your dermatologist will recommend you the appointments seeing to your skin reactivity to it.

6. For Skin that Breaks out too often – Chemical Peel to the Rescue!

Getting a hint of a zit blowing in on your big day is certainly a knightmare for any bride-to-be. If your skin’s behaviour is keen on giving you such awful surprises, you could discuss with your dermatologist for a mild chemical peel containing salicylic acid. This keeps a check on occurence of any possible zits, and ensures you a clear and smooth skin. Your dermatologist will calculate your sittings seeing to your case.


7. For Blackheads and Whiteheads – Steam is the Key!

Those irksome and pesky blackheads and whiteheads pops up on your skin like a grinch, cracking up your entire look. Regardless of what kind of facial you go for, it is of utmost importance for you to get some steam and have all of them ripped out. The steam helps in opening up the skin pores, and that eventually helps in getting rid of those annoying black and whiteheads without damaging the skin. And voila! Smooth and radiant skin that’s all set for the wedding day!

8. For the Skin That’s Not Face-pack Friendly – Try out Some Ice Magic!

The effects of frozen water on our face is often underestimated by us. If your skin says no to all kinds of face-packs – be it a store-bought, homemade, or the ones with natural ingredients – ice pack is your conservator. Cleanse your face with your favorite cleanser gel to cut out all the dirt and grime, and to regulate blood flow. Proceed by rubbing an ice cube in a circular motion all over your face – this will close all the open skin pores, soothe and cure any redness or skin inflammation. Finish up by applying a hydrating cream. And there you have it – a visibily smoother, more radiant and glowing skin!

9. For the Skin that’s Tanned – Get your Scrub on the Stand!

Ladies, you certainly would have all the ears on all those lovely apricot scrubs, or the DIY ones made with the sugar granules and the oil. Scrub, scrub, and a little more Gentle Scrub! This is all that your tanned skin needs. A good rub that’s accompanied with a hydrating scrub will pull out all the dead skin cells, leaving your skin soft and supple. This treatment, when done twice a month, should help you bring down your complexion to fairer shades and prep you up with a bridal glow just in time!

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10. For Skin Pigmentation – Go Natural, Go Organic!

If skin pigmentation is your trouble that’s playing havoc to your skin, get your hands on a facial product that embraces skin brightening ingredients like papaya, avocado, banana, lemon juice, orange peel, tomato, and apple cider vinegar. Massage your face with these fresh fruits on a daily basis and then leave them on for about 10 to 15 minutes. This treatment can ensure you reduced pigmentation. And this, when done religiously, will pay off with that pious bridal glow that you’ve been working for your big day!

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