Monsoon Skin Care Tips | DIY Treatment

Monsoon is an eagerly awaited and much-loved season of the year. As much as it does excite our mind, it ain’t that pleasing enough for our skin. The season calls for an utmost attention and care to the skin so you can stay fresh and glowing for rest of the year. And so, here we are with simple monsoon skin care tips for a blithe season.

Blush with the Tomatoes:

Did you know tomatoes work amazing to our skin? Tomatoes hydrate and rejuvenate our skin and benefits us with a fresh appearing look. The right way to use tomatoes for DIY beauty treatment is to grate them, apply it on the skin, leave it on till dry, and rinse off with the lukewarm water. This DIY treatment will fetch you a visibly more radiant and fresh skin than before.

Hydration is the key:

Dehydration is a root cause to many ailments and skin problems. And so, the more youthful skin you call for, the more you need to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water so you stay well hydrated and your body is able to flush out all the accumulated toxins. Slosh water even if you ain’t thirsty, at least 8-10 glasses every day. A proper hydration helps keep the wrinkles at bay. Give an extra boost of hydration to your skin by applying a good moisturizer, but make sure you do not go overboard with the products for they can lead to breakouts.


Jojoba Oil to the Rescue:

Jojoba oil is an amazing natural remedy for the dry skin types. Prepare a DIY treatment mask by mixing together jojoba oil, honey, and yogurt. Apply the mask all over your face, leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water. This DIY treatment benefits in keeping the skin moisturized and bowl over any dry skin problems.

Skip on Heavy Foundations and Moisturizers:

Your skin needs to breathe fresh. Failing to understand the need of your skin health, using heavy foundations or moisturizers that are oil based can lead to open skin pores and can be detrimental to your skin health. The habit can cause severe acne and pimple breakouts!

Scout out your Diet:

Your skin reflects your diet and your eating habits. Make it a habit to eat clean for a healthy living. Incorporate more of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. This will nourish your healthier inner for a beautiful outer!

Adverse Effects of Smoking and Boozing Shows Up on Your Skin as Well!

Smoking and drinking dehydrate your skin. This eventually turn up as a dull looking skin. And so, skip on smoking and boozing if you really want to get in with a healthy glowing skin.

TLC is what your Lips too Need!

Your lips too call for a regular care and nourishment. Monsoon causes your lips to dry. Pamper them with the coconut oil. Apply a little of it on your lips during bedtime. This simple regimen not only makes your lips kissably soft, but also it does take away the pigmentation. Ooo, luscious and pink lips – that’s what we all, women, desire!

With all these simple skin care tips, we’re sure you’re all geared up to take care of your skin this monsoon. Do try them out for a flawless and glowing skin.

Happy Monsoons!

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