13 Ways to Use the Healing Power of the Wintergreen Essential Oil

Recently, the wintergreen essential oil has been surfacing a lot on the internet with its amazing benefits. This wintergreen plant is liked by many for its sweet and minty flavor; this is why the plant cropped up its debut as the organic wintergreen mints in the first place. However, the mouth freshening powers of this plant was just the start. Here goes 13 more ways whereby you can make use of wintergreen oilfor your health betterment.

DIY Massage Oil:

Soothe your sore and achy muscles with DIY massage oil. Dilute approximately 20-30 drops of wintergreen oil in 100 ml carrier oil such as the organic coconut oil or jojoba oil, and relieve the distressed muscles.

Abdomen Pain Reliever:

Is your tummy upset, or have you got it all bloating? Wintergreen essential oil comes to the rescue. Dilute wintergreen oil with any carrier oil. Massage with the mixture onto your lower abdomen, and rub the pain away.

Fatigue or Drowsiness:

If a feeling of fatigue has hit upon you, making you inclined to sleep and unfocused at work; do not go for that fourth cup of coffee or tea. Instead reach out for the wintergreen essential oil jar for an awakening stiff.


Relieve headaches with the healing power of wintergreen-based vapor rubs.

DIY Disinfectant:

Prepare a DIY disinfectant. This essential oil works as a perfect sanitizer. Now, you can keep your yoga-mat and all the other workout gears bacteria and viruses free with this homemade wintergreen cleansing spray. All that you need are – a spray bottle, distilled water, and a few drops of the wintergreen essential oil. You can explore your creativity by blending in other fragrant essential oils like lavender or peppermint.

Sore Feet:

Soothe your sore and tired feet with a blend of peppermint, coconut, and wintergreen oils. It gives a cooling effect and works extra amazing after a run on a hot sunny day.

Joint Pain:

Wintergreen essential oil is one among the best natural pain killers. If you suffer joint pain, mix wintergreen oil and any carrier oil in a 1:4 ratio. Massage onto the affected areas. It is a blessing for the people suffering Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Nasal and Respiratory Congestion:

Prepare the all-natural DIY vapor rub to relieve nasal and the respiratory congestion. Mix a couple drops of the wintergreen essential oil to a little of coconut oil. Inhale deeply while you apply this homemade vapor rub to your chest, neck, and the upper back.

DIY Hair Rinse:

Prepare for yourself a DIY hair rinse by combining water, apple cider vinegar, and 5 to 10 drops of the wintergreen essential oil in a spray bottle. This natural treatment works out for scrupulously clean scalp and, the soft and shiny hair.

DIY Home Diffuser:

The wintergreen essential oil is recognized for helping calm nerves, and relieve tension and stress. You can reap its benefits by using it in your home diffuser.

DIY Toner for Face:

Prepare a DIY toner for face – refresh and revive your complexion, and also get acne cured with all the ease. Combine raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water in 1:4 ratio. Add to it a few drops of the lavender and the wintergreen essential oil.

Menstrual Cramping:

Massage the diluted wintergreen essential oil onto your lower abdomen and the lower back; ease the painful menstrual cramping.

DIY Dishwasher Cleaner:

The wintergreen essential oil is intact with the powerful antibacterial properties, and also it smells great in your home. You can now restraint your expenses over the store-bought cleansers. Just run a few drops of this essential oil through your laundry machine, dishwashers. And Voila! Your DIY dishwasher cleaner and laundry machine cleaner. Also, you can scrub a little of it into your showers and the toilet bowl.

Note: It is highly important to use essential oil with caution and in moderation. Make sure you never use the undiluted essential oil when applying onto your body as it is highly concentrated. Also, you must keep it out of the reach of children. Wintergreen oil is not recommended to patients with asthma, or the patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the components in wintergreen oil. It must not be used by pregnant/nursing women. It is highly toxic and must not be ingested. You can learn more about the wintergreen essential oil, its uses, benefits, and the potential risks.

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