11 Home Remedies For Pimples and Acne

home remedies

Pimples, Bumps, Acne, Spots, Zits – or whatever you address them as; they’re all annoying and they, perhaps, will happen to turn up at the most inopportune time. People often feel that once they cross the puberty stage, they’re immune to same for life. However, that’s not the case always. Read on to learn the ropes on how to get rid of pimples and acne naturally with 11 best home remedies.

1. Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is packed with natural astringent and antibacterial properties that works great for a clear skin. Apply lemon juice directly to the skin and leave it on for about one hour. Do not expose your skin to sun after applying lemon.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Like lemon, apple cider vinegar consists of the antibacterial properties as well as the anti-fungal properties. Howbeit, apple cider vinegar is powerful and so you’re recommended to dilute it with water, at least at first usage. If your skin shows no sign of discomfort, you may apply the undiluted vinegar for better results.

3. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is the best naturally available ingredient that’s cheap and free of any harmful chemical content. It is a magical remedy to almost any skin trouble like blemishes, blackheads, skin whitening etc. It is the best exfoliating agent that helps you get rid of dead cells, reduce inflammation, and clear out all the impurities. Also, it helps maintain the pH balance of the skin. All that you got to do is mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda with either warm water or the rose-water to form a paste. Wear the paste on to your skin for an hour, and then wash off with water. The results will amaze you.

4. Egg Whites:

Egg whites too are notable home remedy for pimples and acne. To use, separate the egg whites from the yolk. Using a cotton swab, cotton ball, or simply the finger tips apply egg whites to your skin. Leave the mask on for an hour. Rinse with water. Voila! The glowing and youthfully firm skin.

5. Manuka Honey:

Manuka honey is truly a gift from the bees. It is packed with high antimicrobial substances and perhaps other bio-active compounds that gives it an extra potency. Manuka honey is quiet famous for its legendary wound healing and soothing properties. For acne and pimple treatment, Manuka Honey shows up with an easy breezy process – apply it directly to the skin and later wash off with water.

Manuka honey is an incredible blessing from nature. It can be used as an effective home remedy for pimples in many ways.

Want to try this wonder? You can buy a tub from this page on Amazon.

6. Papaya:

Almost all the high-end skin care products compile papaya in their ingredients. Papaya is a food enriched with beta-carotene and powerful enzymes and phyto-chemicals that works wonder to the skin. Together with skin brightening, fighting age signs, treating wrinkles and etc; papaya is anti-pimple too. Mash up the papaya flesh to form a paste of lotion-like consistency and directly apply it to your skin for half an hour. Rinse and moisturize. It’s as simple as that!

7. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is a known home remedy for several skin conditions, especially pimples and acne. The tea tree oil helps in opening the clogged skin pores, get rid of the dead skin cells, and keep acne at bay. To prepare this home remedy for pimples, mix together one part of essential tea tree oil and 6-9 parts of water. The ratio here depends on how strong mixture you desire for. Using a cotton swab or ball, apply the mixture directly on to the skin and leave it on for half an hour. Moisturize your skin later on.

Disclaimer: Make sure to never use the undiluted tea tree oil.

Do you wish to give this a try? Pick up a tea tree oil bottle for yourself from here on Nykaa.

8. Cornstarch:

If your skin suffers red and blotchy blemishes, cornstarch could be a great pick. Cornstarch is very gentle to the skin, and so is the best home remedy for people with the sensitive skin types. Mix together cornstarch and water to form a paste and apply it to the individual blemished patches or to the whole of your face. You can leave the mask on for as long as you want.

9. Garlic:

Garlic is a real gem, good for almost every problem. Packed with heaps of antibacterial properties, it not only does wonders when consumed orally, but also when applied directly to the skin. To use, thinly slice a garlic clove and rub it on to your skin. Pay a closer attention to the problem areas and leave on the garlic juice for up to 30 hours.

10. Ice Cubes:

Ice cubes are the win on win remedy. If you suffer swollen and red spots, ice can work effectively to reduce inflammation and also the visible blemishes. Just rub on the cube on to the trouble spots and it will not only close the skin pores but also kick out the bacteria’s. Boo-ya!

11. Water:

The simple yet the most effective solution. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day and it will flush out most of the toxins and impurities from your body.

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