DIY onion Hair Rinse

Onion for Hair Loss – this may not be so appealing, however, it’s quiet a popular DIY home remedy that’s been trending on the internet for a long time. And what? This *not-so-appealing* DIY home remedy has proven successful to work out for the hair loss since decades! Yes! When applied to scalp, this DIY onion Rinse*boosts hair growth* and also it do*reverse grey hair*.

Sulfur is one of the most vital mineral to work as your hair’s building block; and Onion, is abundant of it. It helps in improving the blood circulation and provides a sufficient nourishment to your hair follicles. Also, an onion embraces the anti-bacterial properties and enzyme catalase. Where the former helps fight the scalp infections leaving you susceptible to hair loss, the latter is an antioxidant that keeps premature graying at bay.

Onion is a potent *science-backed remedy to treat hair loss*. In 2002, the Journal of Dermatology had published a small case study that focused on the healing power of onion juice to treat *Alopecia Areata* (an autoimmune disease that causes patchy hair loss). Of all the voluntary research participants, when the three-quarters of them applied onion juice twice a day, daily for two months; a quarter of them just used the tap water – and the result? The participants using the onion rinse had much better hair re-growth rates than the ones who didn’t try it. Also, the study showed the treatment *comparatively* more successful for men than women.


  1. Peel the onions and grind them to a paste.
    Extract the juice out using a strainer.
    Massage the whole of your scalp with this DIY onion rinse, or just apply it on the bald patches or on the temple (that area of the head behind the eyes where usually many people suffer the hair loss).
  2. Leave on the DIY onion rinse on your scalp overnight. However, *a minimum of 30 minutes* is the recommended time span, but that’s when you can go easy with the onion’s pungent smell!
  3. Wash it off with a MILD SHAMPOO.


  1. Take ¼ cup of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix them together. (you can double up the portions if you need more quantity of the mixture)
    Apply the DIY onion and Honey Mix onto your scalp.
  2. Leave it on for at least half an hour.
    Also, you can keep your head covered with a shower cap and leave it to work its magic overnight.
  3. Rinse it off with water and a MILD SHAMPOO.

Because it’s a natural treatment, it calls for your devotion and your patience to see the amazing results. You’re suggested to use the DIY onion rinse daily (or at least thrice a week). You’ll be able to see your hair getting stronger and shinier after two months of application.

If it’s that strong and pungent onion smell that’s bothering you from the treatment, add some lemon juice or the rose-water to your hair rinse. Also, you can use essential oils like Rosemary, Lavender, and the Peppermint oil; they all promote hair regrowth.

Taking a spoonful of the onion and honey mix is sn alternative to the hair rinse. Consume it daily, so you ingest the nutrients and see the benefits. However, hair rinse is always more quick and effective than consuming the mix orally.

Inculcate a more of onion to your food recipes. Although it is not going to be as quick and effective as the hair rinse, but it surely will provide an additional dietary support.

Shun the commercial shampoos. Go au naturale, go beautiful. Wash off your hair once a week with Natural Shampoos that has a low alcohol content. Rinse your hair with COLD water when finished. The cold water close the hair fibers while the hot water shower damages your strands.

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